Tools for Startups Founders
The below tools are the exact business development tools we use during our efforts to find Product Market Fit for the startups that hire us. They will provide you with a framework to use while you build your startup. The tools are designed to be used in the order they appear here and should create a workflow that you can follow.
Customer Research Canvas
The first step in our startup building journey is our customer. The following tool will help you focus on the important things you need to know about your customer
Empathy Map
This is a great tool to get into the “eyes” of the customer and get a better understanding about the way he (or she) experience the world.
The Problem Domain
We use this tool to describe and investigate the problem. The tool help us get better understanding of possible root causes and affects enabling us to clearly identify the problem definition
The Solution Domain
We use this tool to identify all the possible solutions to our problem. The canvas has a few directions to help stimulate thought about creative ways to solve the problem.
The Market/Industry Canvas
This canvas contain the tools and analysis we use to evaluate a new market and identify unmet needs or untapped value drivers in an industry
The Business Model Canvas
This great canvas developed by Alex Osterwalder from Strategyzer is a great tool to identify & develop innovative business models to help you find a competitive edge
Design of Experiment Template
A big part of our startup building methodology is validating hypothesis through experimentation. This template is the tool we use to design these experiments and record their results
Customer Journey Canvas
Every purchase is a journey. A journey your customer goes through that transform his beliefs and thoughts toward favoring your product or service. This canvas will help you design that journey so you can be in control every step of the way
The Offer Canvas
The way you package your product has a dramatic impact on its perceived value. The offer canvas will help you compile an offer no one can refuse