Our Workshops

We know that every startup is unique. We’ve also learned throughout the years that every startup require something a little different in order to find its own Product Market Fit. This is why we don’t believe in a cookie cutter approach to workshops.

We’ve developed a unique mechanism for building fun and engaging workshops where we work with you to build the specific content your needs require and build a tailored workshop that fits your specific PMF needs.

Our structured  onboarding process will help you identify your specific needs and from there we will develop and deliver the perfect workshop for your unique situation.

Our Main Areas of Expertise

Go-To Market


Business Model



Value Proposition


How This Works

You contact us and tell us about your startup (there’s a form just for that at the bottom of this page)

We hop on a discovery call where we do a complete analysis about your needs and goals

We develop a unique workshop that’s tailored specifically to your needs

You approve the content and we set a date in our calendars (a down-payment is required to lock in your date) 

On the scheduled date we meet up and we deliver a fun and engaging workshop to you and your team

We keep in touch for any follow-up questions and remain friends forever

Let's Schedule Your Workshop

To start the process, all you need is to fill this form and hit the button below it. One of our representatives will get back to you within 1-2 business days

Are our Workshops a good fit for you?

Our workshops are designed for small teams who are tackling the challenge of introducing a new product(s) to market.

Finding a Product Market Fit is a problem any company or division will face during the process of introducing a new product to market, making the tools and processes we teach relevant at every early stage development project, whether it’s a new standalone startup or a new division within a corporation.

If one of these situations apply to you, you should definitely get in touch:

  • You can’t get any traction for your product
  • Your just starting out on a new venture
  • Customers don’t stick around  (high churn)
  • Every sale is an uphill battle
  • You’re trying to penetrate a new market
  • You’re trying to spin-off a new product to expand your business

If any of the above situations apply to you, WE CAN HELP. So don’t be shy and reach out.

How Much?

Many consulting firms will not disclose their prices, but we believe in simplicity and transparency and therefore keep our pricing model very open and simple.

  • We charge $1,750 for a full day of workshop (usually 6-8 hours)
  • To this we add VAT if applicable
  • And travel expenses if required
  • We charge a 10% deposit to save your workshop date once the content is approved and expect the rest to be paid within 5 business days after the workshop is completed.

And that’s it. Simple…

To schedule your workshop, all you need to do is to scroll up, fill your info at the form and hit that red “Submit” button. We’ll take it form there…